A digital marketing company

Specializing in video production

The Power Of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is the component of marketing that utilizes the internet, social media, and other digital media platforms to promote products and services. Our specialty revolves around creating amazing video content that will not only entertain and educate consumers, but also influence, an entire industry.



We use video to promote products and services. From NY to LA to Vancouver, BC. We have 20+ years of experience traveling across North America creating corporate videos, action sports, web based series, documentaries, and commercials.


We live in a visual culture. Image-based marketing campaigns work for your website and online content.We are experienced in product photography,lifestyle shots, and any images needed for social campaigns.

Graphic Design

At LG Digital Inc we create esthetically pleasing,
professionally designed graphics that form positive opinions
about your product, service, or brand.

We are ready for your web, print, or branding project.

Web Development

Your website says everything about your company and is likely the single most important part of your online strategy.

Tailored specifically to handle your needs and beautifully designed. LG Digital Inc has created many websites for our clients.

Beyond video production, web development, photograhy, and graphic design we offer a full range of digital marketing serivces. Here’s a list of some popular digital marketing services we offer to reach people online.

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Content Writing
  • Social Media Managment
  • Email Marketing
  • Paid Advertising

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